Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hi Everyone,
I used to create this mindmap. I found this program to be fairly simple to use, however I did have some difficulties with importing it. I can truly see why and how this technology would be so useful in a classroom however I do question the degree of difficulty for students to use and also how the teacher is actually able to teach a classroom of, say 25, students and be able to help them all. On saying this, I'm sure that students today are very capable of learning with a teacher giving instructions through a smartboard or with screen captures.
Mindmapping is a useful tool when learning as it is way for students to give ideas through words that relate to the topic and also diagrams are also a way for a student to visualise ideas. As a visual learner myself I have used mindmapping regularly when I prepare for my assignments.
Hope everyone is going okay.


  1. Here is the response to you I posted on Kirks space, Sorry if a little belated, I only just noticed when I was viewing Kirks' site:
    Even though students today are comfortable and faster with using technological tools, I still think that if the purpose was to brainstorm ideas, the online concept mapping may not be the best method. Which begs the question: Are there some situations where paper and pen is more effective or better than using the computer? I like to have students, particularly young students work in groups to brainstorm ideas, using couloured markers and large sheets of paper, they share the task of being a scriber. There are some literacy brainstorming interactives on the read write think site, however, that I think are very effective in getting students to get the ideas flowing, such as venn diagrams, story planners and poetry interactives. Although, at first skeptical of online brainstorming, I can now see some benefits. Advantages can include being able to save and edit, and being inclusive to a range of different learners (I used a program called kidspiration, which was particularly good for this aspect)!

  2. My current thoughts (thanks to the responses):

    Some of the responses for why online mapping would be used instead of paper and pen, have included:
    -People agree, in thinking it is best for presentations and teacher explanation.
    -Visually appealing, good for visual learners.
    -Some feel that allowing students to brainstorm online would be more effective, as students today respond well to technology.
    -One of the best ideas (Thanks Beardall ), was the idea that you could use both methods.
    An important reminder that technology is just a tool, it is how you use it that is important.
    I no longer feel that I have to choose technology over other methods,or limited to the idea that technology is a replacement. I can now see many opportunities for incorporating technology in with other methods !
    An important website :
    shows how technology can be applied to suit all learning styles, even kinesthetic !, particularly when using it with other tools, rather than instead of.
