Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Weebly Website

Hi Everyone,

I have created my very own Weebly website. I must say this is one teaching tool that I really enjoy. I find it the most useful teacher tool that I have research yet. Following is my Website address and also some ideas on using websites in the classroom.


How can a website support the learning of my students?
Children love websites! Websites for children are usually colourful, have talking characters, are interactive and great to use as a learning tool.
Website allow students to access the classroom at home.Classroom websites can contain the following:
-Teacher introduction and contact details. Email for parent to contact the teacher. This would be particularly useful for working parents.
-Daily News Page - Great for keeping parents up to date with what their child has learnt for the day. Also great for students that have been home sick.
-Newsletters. Notes about excursions.
-Classroom policies and procedures..
-Samples of students work and achievements.
-Website can be colourful and fun. Images loaded to support the unit of work currently being taught.
-Allows parents to help children as they are "kept in the loop" with what the children are learning at school.
Bye for now

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