Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Our Community: Courtesy of Google Images Hi Everyone,
I chose this image as the children at school are currently studying a unit of work called Our Community. They are visiting different businesses in the area and creating a PowerPoint for assessment. Images such as the one above is a example of what the students could import to tell their story.

Importing images is a very easy way for a teacher to make a sheet of work interesting. Students at all levels love to see a picture, even if it is on an assessment sheet! Images can help students to engage in the context by relating it to "real life". Some images such as animals, characters, cartoon picture etc can help the child to relate to the context of work through a message in the image. What I'm trying to say is that images can support the text and keep it interesting. The actual process of importing an image is simple. You can save the image as a picture then crop it, rotate it, change the shade etc. Personal pictures taken from a Digital camera are also easier imported. This would be particularly helpful to a teacher for digital portfolios, especially in the younger years. Childrens' work could be scanned and saved as an image and also recorded in their portfolio. A very useful and easy tool for a teacher and there are millions of free images on the web.

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