Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bee Bot

Hi Everyone,

Those of you that are studying Early Childhood would have probably seen this new Educational toy and teaching tool. For those who haven't it is called a Bee Bot and I have actually purchased one. It is a fantastic tool to use in the Early childhood phase and has lots of potential in all areas of the KLA's. The idea is that you have a plastic mat with square drawn at 15cm increments. The Bee Bot is programmed by the children to go where you want it to. This is great for learning directionality , ie left, right, one more more forward, backwards. The Bee Bot can remember up to 40 instructions and can also turn 90 degrees. The reward for the children is a lovely beeping noise and flashing lights that Bee Bot makes when it arrives at it's position.
The Bee Bot not only makes learning more engaging, but can enhance learning and make learning more relevant to younger digital learners . Students are provided with opportunities to learn about processes, topics and concepts that wouldn't have without the use of ICT's.
An example of how a Bee Bot could be used in a Prep or Year One classroom is with Names or shapes. The children are to direct the Bee Bot to their name by programming it to move. You could also answer simple maths questions or use sounds or letters.
This is a great tool and I have introduced it to my school and the teachers love it. They use it as a treat for the children. The children get very excited and love it.
Bye for now

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