Tuesday, August 3, 2010




Hi everyone,

Above are two links that I found very interesting and helpful in learning about what exactly a Podcast is.

"A podcast is an audio or video file imported onto the Internet so it can accessed by a personal computer, downloaded and transferred to a portable MP3 player. " Department of Education (2010) Retrieved 4 August, 2010 from: http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/cmis/eval/curriculum/ict/podcasts/#classroom.

Creating podcasts
There are three main stages in creating a basic podcast:
1. Recording. You will need a microphone and software to record your sound file.
2. Publishing. Once you have created your audio file and saved it, usually in mp3 format you need to upload it to a webserver. Many sites on the internet, including Blogger offer free podcast hosting services.
3. Publicising. Having created your podcast and uploaded it to make it available to potential users you need to provide a way for users to access your files. This may be as simple as providing a link from an existing webpage or more complex, such as creating an rss feed document which will allow users to subscribe to your podcast.

Educational Value of Podcasts
Podcasts can be created from original material by students and teachers or existing audio files can be downloaded for classroom use.Creating a podcast allows students to share learning experiences. It provides them with a world-wide audience that makes learning meaningful and assessment authentic. Teachers can use the technology to provide additional and revision material to students to download and review at a time that suits them.
Department of Education . (2010). Retrieved 4 August, 2010 from:

This tool is a terrific way for students to reflect on their learning by performing. It is also a great way for teachers to reflect on their teaching as there is a record of the students work.

I need to read a lot more to really understand how this works but my first impression are that it is a terrific way to engage students with a end result that students can listen and watch and enjoy.
Going to read some more!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nat,
    I agree with podcasts being a fantastic learning tool in the classroom especially the usage you can get out of it with functions such as pause and rewind. As you listen and the students pose questions as a learning manager you can simply pause the podcasts and allow the students to direct their learning through discussions, then when the time is right redirect back to the podcast. I feel this can create an ownership to the learning experience and the students will retain more information as they have engaged in a learner centred activity to deepen their understanding of prior knowledge.
    I believe that the use of podcasts in the classroom is a great example of Dimension 2, strategy 7: Use instructional techniques that provide students with strategies to use before, during and after they receive information (Marzano & Pickering, 1997). By including the podcast in a reciprocal teaching strategy of
    1. Summarising,
    2. Questioning,
    3. Clarifying and
    4. Predicting.
    Students will be able to acquire and integrate knowledge through constructing meaning by using the aforementioned method. It can also help with homework and help keep parents up to date with the current classroom activities their child is participating in.
